Astronomically, the Earth is always in a 23 -degree tilt on its axis, continuously spinning to create the night and the day. The North Pole always points toward the North Star. Of course, in addition to this movement, the Earth is also in orbit around the sun.  At the summer solstice, the Earth is in a pattern where it is most tilted toward the sun and the Northern Hemisphere receives the greatest exposure of heat and light. At a distance, this will show the sun is at its farthest point away from the equator. The summer solstice occurs when the sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer – astrologers refer to this as the date that the sun enters the sign of Cancer. In our Northern Hemisphere, the sun will appear to be high in the sky during summertime and low on the horizon in the winter. The Solstice itself took place on June 21 this year, and is the longest day of the year – and the shortest hours of darkness.