Week 15 Mental Training – No thoughts, no images

This week, I posted a little late my practice. First of all, I’m not setting a goal for daily work. That is too much of a strain, as my health has taken a nosedive, and I’m really struggling. My goal and practice this week is to try no more than 3 times, to sit and do a simple mental training, for no more than 10 minutes each time.

My goal is to hold my mind blank. When I think or see imagery, I go back to blackness and no thought, a total and complete rest.

Week 14 Wrap-up

I liked this one. I had a good time, dancing around and drumming. Mr. Teddy followed me around (that’s my dog) and I enjoyed playing pied piper. It was a joyful activity, more so than some of the other things I’ve done. It felt more like PLAY.

I did have some issues, though. Two, actually.
#1 –  I wasn’t able to do this daily. Doing anything daily is becoming a horrible strain.
#2 – The second issue I had was, I felt I needed to do it indoors and in the afternoon, or I would be ‘bothering other people’. Mind you, I live in a townhouse, a duplex, and the buildings are literally 10 feet from each other, so any noise anybody makes is heard. Drumming tends to be like other low-pitched sounds – really carries. This idea of ‘being a bother to other people’ actually merits exploration.

It’s a long-term issue of mine, stemming from the verbal (and sometimes physical) attacks I got as a kid. I’m so terrified of drawing attention to myself at times, that I literally lose the ability to speak.  I feel like a mouse surrounded by a pack of cats.

At times, I don’t care. I have no trouble speaking my mind, and carrying on rational debate, or dancing, silently. It’s something specific to making noise that brings on tremendous fear. Dancing and moving – ok. Chanting – a slight problem, if no one else is doing it. Singing or drumming – completely lose my voice. I can perform in plays, I can do public speaking. The caveat seems to be that when I do those things, other people are in agreement that I can, or other people are expecting that behavior.

I should become a street performer or something, so that I learn that when I annoy the crap out of people, it’s okay – it’s their problem, and not something I have to immediately stop doing just because somebody doesn’t want me to. I’ve become terrified of other people’s reactions to my standing out in some way. It’s okay for people TO LEARN TO ACCOMMODATE ME, SOMETIMES, TOO.

I need to think about this more! What a great activity for this week. It brought up a HUGE issue for me.

Things A Shaman Sees

The first time I heard this poem, I was sitting with a large group of people, in a workshop for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. The Elder leading the group, a man named Dana, recited it for us. This weekend touched me in many, many ways, but I’ll never forget the greatest lesson I learned that weekend. The Otherworld IS REAL. Until that day, until those experiences, I thought it was all ‘imagination’, ‘unreal’, and the product of ‘fantasy’. I kept all of my experiences, my friendships, and now what I understand to be Journeying in the Otherworld, to myself, since I was a child. And that weekend, I was surrounded by folks who had these experiences, too, and I didn’t need to  ‘stop acting weird’ and I wasn’t needing to ‘slam my mouth shut and act right’. It was a life-changing revelation for me. I could talk about these things, and so did others! Amazing!


Everything that is
is alive.

on a steep river bank
there’s a voice that speaks
I’ve seen the master of that voice
he bowed to me
I spoke with him
he answers all my questions

everything that is
is alive

little grey bird
little blue breast
sings in a hollow bough
she calls her spirits dances
sings her shaman songs
woodpecker on a tree
that’s his drum
he’s got a drumming nose
and the tree shakes
cries out like a drum
when the axe bites its side
all these things answer
my call

everything that is
is alive

the lantern walks around
the walls of this house have tongues
even this bowl has its own ture home
the hides sleep in their bags
were up talking all night
antlers on the graves
rise and circle the mounds
while the dead themselves get up
and go visit the living ones


Cloutier, David. Spirit, Spirit: Shaman Songs. Providence, RI: Copper Beech, 1980. Print.

Struggling with something, here

This is a stream of consciousness to try to help me work through a dilemma. This dilemma has been going on for a very long time, maybe as long as I can remember, honestly. It’s this: I can never seem to settle on ‘THE PATH’. Am I a Druid? An OBOD Druid? An ADF Druid? Do I walk a Wiccan Path? What, exactly, am I? Am I truly an eclectic solitary whatever?

I feel this is a rather critical question for me to answer, for several reasons:

  • I have a habit of always being a beginner at everything. I spread myself so thin, I can be a jack of all trades, but master of none. I feel as though if I could just finally ‘make a choice’, then I could just get on with it, devote myself completely, and progress.
  • I have been a solitary my whole life. Not to put too fine a point on it, but, I need to join group activity and learn to be in a group. I need community. I need to learn to play nice with others, and enjoy it. But, if I can never make up my mind, and never develop solid skills, then, exactly, what group could I join and bring benefit to? I have one foot in and one foot out 4 – count them, 4 – organisations. Why can’t I pick one and give myself wholeheartedly to it?
  • Mucking about with 4 or 5 trads of different flavours is great for enrichment, for growth, for learning, but not so great if I want to someday be a leader and help train and give back. I want my own Grove, or Coven, or whatever. Or, I want to go in and be an active working member of a greater Pagan group; I’d like to teach. And, I’d love to do community outreach. Face-to-face stuff. I’ve spent 8-10 hours or more per day on a computer my whole adult life, and I live and work alone, and have for many, many years. I need companionship now. And, I never had children, either; I need to give back, somehow.
  • What do I believe? Why do I feel so blocked? Why does everything always feel so forced, like a performance and not from the heart? I’m good at performing. I have lots of grace under pressure. But, this is a double-edged sword.
  • Am I in the right place? Is there a ‘right’ place?

To help me along, here is a list of things I hold dear:

  • My Gaelic. The Gaelic came first before everything (except the wolves and the stories). My ancestors reached straight through my disconnected, fragmented family, punched through my dreams, and lit a fire inside me for the language. It’s through studying Gaelic that I came to my path.
  • My Celtic connection. My closest connection to the Celts are my Mum’s family. I’m 2nd generation American. My Mum was born here, too. When I go back, it’s as though my very bones are weeping with sadness. It’s a horrible feeling, I’ll be honest. I’m so restless when I’m in Edinburgh, I roam the streets for hours just walking. I see and ‘remember’ things that don’t make sense to me. But, I know it’s important.
  • Astrology. Especially the insights I’ve gained from studying my natal chart and where I feel I need to be evolving my growth, my ‘mission’ in life, so to speak.
  • Tarot and Oracle – After the Gaelic, the Tarot came second. When I held those cards in my hand, I felt like a rudder had been put in my hands, and I was no longer helplessly adrift at sea.
  • My Wolves. You know, I am not really pulled towards the Gods. Especially if they have ‘human’ faces, names and characteristics. I’m not antisocial, and I like people, but I’ve been abused and tormented, and I am very, very solitary.  I don’t trust people, and I don’t warm up easily. This includes beings in the Otherworld, too. I’m completely disconnected from ‘Mother’ Goddesses in particular. And it’s due to trauma in this life; nothing from the Otherworld has ever hurt me. Certainly not like the humans in this life. Other animals, though, I love and interact with all the time. Since I was a small child, my wolves and wolf-dogs and huskies have been there, in this world, and the Other.
  • My stories. It was a refuge as a child; I would look at pictures, and tell stories about them, weaving elaborate tales of talking dogs and heroic horses and wolf packs and sled dogs and the triumph of the invincible whatever. My mother called this ‘talking to myself’, and ‘being weird’; she did lots of nasty things to shut me up. It took me many, many years to have the courage to try to do what I refer to as ‘storying’ again. There’s a word for what I am, I know that now – a seanachie – but my voice was silenced in terror for decades, honestly.
  • The Otherworld. The Beings and teachers and friends and joy and healing I have found there. Even my Spirit Mate. The training I’ve received in Core Shamanism helped me access this very Blessed Realm.
  • My family. As broken as they are, I still love them. I have a good relationship with a couple of them, the rest are just nutters in disguise, and not really in a good way. A dangerous and unhealthy way.
  • My friends. As in human ones. I have some good ones. I’m very blessed in that regard.

Where does that leave me? I believe in animism, as in ‘All that is, is alive’, in the words of a wonderful Siberian Shaman from the book, ‘Spirit Spirit Shaman Songs’, complied by David Cloutier; I believe in the worlds within worlds, reincarnation and life after death, and the evolution of the soul; I believe, too, in the work that all these Pagan groups and the individuals in them are doing.

Where do I fit in?

*addendum to this post*
I read through this, and realised there is one thing on this list that I never put on. I’m grateful for the skill, and for many that know me, they consider me a very fine artist and they tend to define me by it. But, it’s something I only occasionally enjoy, and rarely work at. I earn my living designing and illustrating, but, I don’t love the process. I think, because I’m really, really afraid of being really good at something. I am good at it – but I’m afraid to expose it to the world. I tend to neglect the skill, neglect the work, procrastinate, and distract myself. Why?

Week 14 – Repetitive Motion / Music

I’ve decided this week to do 10 minutes of drumming every day for this phase of the meditation / mental training. I love drumming, and it builds energy for me, and makes me feel connected to things in a way that is beyond words. It’s as though my drum vibrates the web far beyond what I can normally reach. It is a frame drum, fairly large, and produces a good, deeper sound.

My Drum