A Conversation with Mannannán

When I first decided to look into ADF, I did a divination spread,  amongst other research, and I had very interesting results. During this  spread, I did receive a visitation from Mr. Mac Lir, and the resulting  conversation was very important. It is, after all, why I have been led  (by Himself) to join this organisation.

The gist, since some areas of this should not be made public, is that  although my work is good and I’ve stuck with it over the years… there  is one GLARING thing lacking from my practice. Well, several, I’m sure,  but, I can only be hit upside the head over one issue at a time,  PU-LEASE!!!

Mannannán did honor me by crediting me with what I have done well – I  honor the seasons and I do magickal work, and I am devoted to  self-improvement, and that’s good.  Also, as first a Bard and then, an  Ovate in OBOD, I have developed my artwork as a painter and illustrator  and my practice of honoring the Wheel of the Year and my connection to  it; and my Divination and a deepening of my practice for honoring and  living with more ecological responsibly, and that’s good, too.  In  addition to all of this,  in FSS (Foundation for Shamanic Studies, which  was further training for the Ovate Grade) I developed my core Shaman  techniques, and began specialising in psychopomp work, and my ability to  move between the Worlds. Well, that’s good too; but…

It is simply this: I have a horrible time connecting to the Gods and  Goddesses, and I do little for devotion and honoring them. I tend to  avoid them completely and feel  no emotional connection at all. To this  end, I started hanging out with my Wiccan friends, who are deeply  connected to their Patron Goddesses, and studying online at a Wiccan  College to provide a bit of structure and impetus in research and  connections. This has helped tremendously, and led to the appearance of  Mannannán in my life. I strongly suspect He was there all along, but, I  had a hard time connecting or feeling anything.

He clued me in as to where to search for the origins of my reluctance  to get involved with the Gods; he told me, “You know, Yaweh isn’t the  only God who can fling thunderbolts, and quite frankly, I can fling them  right back if it’s a problem, you know.”

I’ve always said Yaweh was the abusive father I never had. Well,  Mannannán cleared that one up, too: “I’m the new Father God in your  life, like it or lump it.”

It’s now up to me to work on this aspect of my spirituality and Path; appearing at the right time. *Thank you*

OMG! I’ve Been Accepted! Doing the Snoopy Dance!

I’m such a flake. I get so happy over the smallest things – I just  got a wee eMail today with permission to create my login and that I’ve  been accepted by ADF. My membership packet is on its way!!! I, of  course, zipped right over to the website, grabbed a login, and  downloaded the Dedicant Manual and started reading everything online. (I  don’t have the SLIGHTEST problem with impulsiveness or enthusiasm, not  me!)

I’ve been spending some time online with the articles section, and so  far, from outside looking in, quite frankly, they espouse similar  viewpoints to my own; I believe in scholarship of culture and history,  the latest scientific stuff (how unscientifically put!) and since I have  deep Celtic roots and came to my path originally through the study of  family heritage and the Gaelic language, I’m most pleased at this  mindset.

I also find myself agreeing with the theology. I do tend to see Gods  and Goddesses as distinct beings; monism and duotheism have been points  of contention with my Wiccan friends many times. How refreshing to not  be the odd man out!

Cuir Urram Air A’ Sheann Daoine: A Dedication and Pledge to my Power Animal

This opening volley of posts would not be complete without honoring  my Power Animal. Part of Wolf Medicine is the teaching that Wolf is  allied to the moon and lunar energies and that our emotions and  unconscious urges need to be respected. Respect, too,  must be given for  the wildness of  our animal natures, and willingness to face the dark  within ourselves is  an imperative for Wolf people. Knowing this, and  honoring my free self, has led me to this particular fork in this  particular path. It has just begun; I will patiently follow and see  where it leads, and I suspect, my Wolf brethren will be beside me, as  they have since I was a child.

In the words of a Siberian Shaman, ‘Everything that is, is alive.’ I  have been fortunate to feel this from a young age. I deeply believe in  the interconnectedness of my Path; I have walked as a Druid for many  years now, and as a part of that path, I was fortunate to work with the  Foundation for Shamanic Studies and deepen my connection to the  Otherworld and to my Guides and Teachers. This is merely a fork in the  road, and a joyful one, I believe.

I state now my intentions to continue walking and learning along that  path, and honor the lessons I am given. As an honoring of Wolf, I  started a header illustration today; it will be of an Arctic Wolf.

In the Eyes of a Deity…

…or, how I wound up here. It’s all his fault, you know, and he’s pleased as punch.

My first contact with Mannannán Mac Lir was a hijacked meditation to  Helios. It was a group, led Meditation for one of the High Days, led by  the Wiccan group I’m studying with (I can’t remember which Day it was).  Well, I’m sure everyone else met Helios and managed to go to the Sun –  Mr. Mac Lir in HIS chariot whisked me in quite a different direction,  although for this first contact, I don’t recall much. I remember the  shock and surprise factor, however. Helios never did show, although  Manannán was gentlemanly enough to deposit me where I was supposed to be  at the end of the meditation, so I could join properly in the ritual  after.

My second contact with him went just as, er, swimmingly, shall we  say; since I just finished my last Deity Focus essay for the  aforementioned College, I put out the intention  into the Universe and  requested that any God or Goddess who wished to  work with me for this  next focus to make themselves known – the first  thing I got, right  after I spoke this aloud, was a pair of blue eyes so  close to mine I  couldn’t tell who it was – just big, staring eyes right  into mine that  took up my whole line of vision. So, troll that I am, I  said cattily,  ‘if you’re going to get that close, I can’t tell who the  heck you are.  How is that going to help?’ Turned out, yet again, it was Manannán Mac  Lir. He’s a tricky one. Fortunately, he  has a huge sense of humour, at  least in my experience. As he was  leaving, he poked me with a trident  and said, ‘get to work on that crane  bag’. Oh boy.

The next contact was during the essay and research process itself – I  kept having visions of him, which have continued, actually. I had  already been poked  in the rear from Him; and it during this research  process  that I  had come to suspect that he is my patron God. When I  made that realisation, I could see his blue eyes, about 1 inch from  mine, and hear a ‘tsk tsk, you’ve not made your  bloody crane bag yet’.  That’s what I like about him – his sly sense of humour and his   unpredictability, combined with his very real wisdom and great power.

What finally pushed me over the edge into joining ADF was Himself;  actually, I had been thinking of trying to work with my mentors at OBOD  and petition for Druid Grade, but in studying some ADF material online, I  saw how connected many members were to Mr. Mac Lir – and how he is  often called as Gatekeeper in Ritual. I had also been on various and  sundry websites in researching this Deity for the Wiccan College, and  well, felt right at home. I did a divination spread, one that I  developed for my Oracle deck I’m illustrating — and after seeing the  results, I had a vision. I asked Him, ‘How may I serve you?’ and He  replied, ‘Now you’re asking the right questions!’ HA. I also asked,  ‘Joining ADF feels right to me… is putting aside OBOD for ADF a  beneficial thing for me to do at this time?’ And he replied, ‘ You  already know the answer to that.’ And off he went.

I joined the next day – today, actually. I’m awaiting my packet even now, as I type.

Waiting with patience…

…And probably, a wee bit of trepidation. As Wolf teaches, to wait and  watch, observe; then move with deliberation. I have just joined Ár  nDraíocht Féin, and as I am most thrilled, I decided to start my  WordPress journal of the Dedicant journey this very evening. It was  after some careful thought; I have actually followed a Druid path now  for many years, but, I find that I am not resonating with my older  affiliations, and even though I’m surrounded by Wiccans of every stripe,  I’m not called to that Path, either. The research I did last night on  ADF.org and the visit by my loving patron, Mannannàn Mac Lir, clinched  it. I did not know that he was so deeply involved with so many of the  ADF membership, and I really feel led there, by Him, and by my own  ancestors. S’ma gu bheil mi ann!