I just had a big newsflash – I do get these brilliant little ideas now and again, and the last post I made solidified it. That note about getting restless and bored when doing the same thing over and over with no variety works terribly against my natural personality. So, here’s the deal…

There has GOT to be at LEAST 23 different types of meditation out there. The requirement is 23 weeks, and to meet the requirement, I must sustain the practice at least once per week, for those 5 months or so.  For the first 10 weeks, I will pick one different type of meditation, practice that type daily for one week, then move on to the next type, for a total of 10 weeks. I will post my research and experiences with the different types to my Meditation Journal and my experiences with it, at LEAST weekly. For the last 13 weeks, I will repeat those types of meditations / practices, at least once per week, or more if I find that effective and if I need it, to meet the requirement.

This does several things. It brings in variety of experience. I get to test things out, and find out what works. I get to explore the unknown, and through experience, learn things about myself that I would NOT have known prior to this little testing. Plus, I know that I can live with anything for a week. (Well, just about. Any reasonable thing, anyway.) There is enough to keep me engaged and learning, and then, after the 10 weeks, I can pick and choose my favorites for the remainder of the time. Also, later, when I aspire to building a Protogrove of my own and apply for Clergy status, I have a good arsenal of meditation techniques not only for myself, but to aide others in their own quest, when they come to me for leadership. Glè mhath!